Lahinch 2022

I was contacted last week by Sorcha O’Brian, a final year masters student in Fashion Styling and Visual Merchandising. Her final project for her Masters was exploring how, “The citizens of the world were put under house arrest in march 2020; this ignited a longing for freedom, openness and travel for many more than ever before.”

Being in a creative field I have also felt the extreme pressures of getting out of the bubble that has been goverment mandated for the last 20 months. I was extremely excited to shoot this project. The styling inspiration was that of Alexander McQueen Spring 2020, Gucci Fall 2020, and Simone Rocha Fall 2021 collections. The location was in the beautiful Lahinch, in County Clare, with the beautiful formlessness of the Cliffs of Moher, we had a beautiful location to shoot in.


Amber Elle


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